A unique experience!

To climb the Via Ferrata del Cabirol isn’t a simple tour, it’s something more, is a unique experience, exciting, amazing, unforgettable. These are the words spoken by those who have climb it, whether they were beginners or super-experts.


WARNING: THE VIA FERRATA IS CLOSED AND DAMAGED. Welcome on the website of the Via Ferrata del Cabirol! In this pages you can find all the necessary information to reach and safely climb along this fabylous itinerary along the high and dizzy cliffs of Capo Caccia, Alghero. You can decide to climb the via ferrata …

Guided tours

The Via Ferrata del Cabirol isn’t a mountaineering tour, in fact, despite being used harness and other mountaineering materials, this is classificable as for “expert hikers”. You can take part in a guided tour on the via ferrata booking the chosen date in time or joining one of the dates already set. All participants will …


Since during spring and summer I’m often on hike, could happen that you are not able to get in touch with me.  In this case I suggest you to send me a text message or write with whatsapp. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible! You can find my phone number here below.

About me

Via Ferrata excursions are guided by Corrado Conca, long experience hiking guide. For more info about me you can read the section “about me” on my website: www.corradoconca.it

Rent a kit

Those who wish to climb the via ferrata in autonomy but don’t have their technical material, can be hire a complete kit. The rental cost of each kit, for a day, is 15,00 €. For hire the kit it’s necessary to reserve it, using the contact details from the page contacts. When you withdraws the …